Democracy Restated

America has deep problems

We are on a path to federally-imposed conformity on local issues, ineffective government on national issues, and an unamendable Constitution. This is a major reason why so many of us feel our country is on the wrong track. Our bipartisan mission at Democracy Restated is to produce a draft constitutional amendment that addresses these problems.

We Americans have more in common than we realize

One of our greatest inheritances is our hybrid system of government. Instead of one sovereign to rule over us, we have a national government and many state governments. This protects against tyranny and promotes experimentation, diversity, and resilience, while fostering national strength and cohesion.

But our hybrid system is cracking

In local matters, the federal government too often infringes on the independence of the states. In national matters, the federal government's list of powers has not been updated since the 1780s, making it increasingly unable to meet national needs and handle national crises.

Another of our great inheritances is our amendment system

We have amended our Constitution to end slavery, limit racial discrimination, give women the vote, limit presidents to two terms, and empower the People to elect their own senators.

But our Constitution is in danger of becoming unamendable

With our country now so large and diverse, it's extremely difficult for any proposed amendment to gain 2/3 of both houses of Congress and 3/4 of the states. The only time we have gone longer without a new amendment was in the bitter decades before the Civil War. Now, as then, we are losing the belief that We the People can amend the Constitution.

Moreover, our rules for amending the Constitution do not reflect a true partnership between the nation and states. The states have no workable way to propose amendments, and the nation has no role in the ratification process.


Our mission is to provide a forum for Americans to debate these great issues and agree upon a draft amendment. We are currently developing initial proposals. Next we will hold a convention of politically-connected delegates from every state. We will offer America a 250th anniversary present in 2026: a chance to revitalize our great Constitution.